Where fitness meets community.

CrossFit Murray, Est. 2011

Every year, CrossFit Murray hosts workouts that are open to the public. This video highlights two of our most popular events - the Memorial Day ‘Murph’ and 9/11 Memorial WOD. We’d love to have you join us!



Morning Classes

5:30 & 7:30 M W F

8:30 T TH

Saturday Class

8:00 am

Afternoon Classes

4:30 & 5:30 M T W TH F

Open Gym

5am - 10pm daily

About the Box

CrossFit Murray is the first and only CrossFit affiliate in Murray and the oldest in Western KY. We proudly offer you CrossFit Level 1 Coaches along with additional certifications in nutrition, running, and yoga.

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”

— Alexander the Great